piston depositor câu
In this arrangement, the depositor deposits hisỞ bản thiết kế này người thiết kế đã cho lắp đặt (a) the name of each depositor in whos...

Thường thường chạy khoảng 15000 km là phải thay piston. Caliper: radial-mount kép, monobloc, đối nghịch với 4 piston Động cơ piston duy ...

brake piston
again, until they abut against the brake piston.Làm nhu vậy cho tới khi bã hết đắng (ancaloit ra hết). Use the c-type clamp to push th...

displacement piston
Our Precision Dispensing Pumps are positive displacement piston style ranging from nano-litre up to 2000ml per stroke.Máy bơm phân phối...

double piston
Disc brakes are fitted to all wheels, with ventilated discs and Brembo double piston, fixed calipers at the front.Phanh đĩa đều được tr...

hydraulic piston
East Industries limited Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of replacement precision parts of Caterpillar, Rexroth, Kawasaki, Komatsu, ...

oval piston
The oval piston from the NR750 Honda.Piston dạng Oval trên Honda NR750. This was achieved by designing an oval piston that allowed a t...

piston area
If we assume that the oil enters from cap end, during extension stroke, and the oil pressure in the rod end / head end is approximately...

piston compressor
The benefit of this design is that it compresses air quicker than a single piston compressor.Lợi ích của thiết kế này là nó nén không k...

piston crown
Engineers have to pay very careful attention to the design of the combustion chamber in the piston crown to ensure that it creates enou...

piston cup
Lightning McQueen is 100 feet from his Piston Cup!Tia Chớp McQueen chỉ còn cách chiếc cúp Piston 100 feet mà thôi! Can he win them one...

piston displacement
Some brands may mention the Piston Displacement as CFM which is a mathematical calculation and the Free Air Delivery is about 20 to 25%...

piston engine
First Flight – 18 April 1941 with piston engine,Chuyến bay đầu tiên 8 tháng 4-1941 với động cơ pít-tông First flight - 18 April 1941 w...

piston filler
In 1934 the company changed its name to Montblanc-Simplo GmbH, and introduced its first piston filler.Năm 1934 công ty đổi tên thành Mo...

piston head
Piston and Sticky Piston (from both the piston base and the piston head when extended)Pistonvà Piston dính (cả base của piston và đầu p...

piston motion
Utilizing the elasticity of the bed, I began a piston motion, Every time I would scoop out a different spot as I put pressure on her pl...

piston pin
The bottom oil control ring may be located above or below the piston pin.Rãnh xecmang dầu có thể được bố trí phía trên hoặc phía dưới c...

piston pump
piston pump for uchida ap2d14/21/25/36/38/42Phụ tùng bơm piston thủy lực Uchida AP2D21 / 25/36/38/42 This type of pump does not have r...

piston ring
Instead, he kept trying to come up with a piston ring that Toyota would buy.Ông vẫn cố gắng tạo ra vòng găng piston mà công ty Toyota s...

piston rings
This indicates it is burning oil by way of the piston rings.Điều này có nghĩa là nó đốt dầu thông qua các vòng piston. This means it’s...

piston rod
side of it, go up, and when it comes down, it draws the piston rod down.”"Này hai cu, cầm lấy, bao giờ mực kéo tới thì vớt lên." Pisto...

piston seal
and piston seal.Phụ Tùng Piston Seal and piston seal.Phụ Tùng Piston Seal What is UN piston seal?Piston seal là gì? What is UN piston ...

piston skirt
The whole piston can be divided into 3 parts, piston top, piston head and piston skirt.Piston có thể được chia thành 3 phần: lắp ráp pi...

piston speed
The meter provides a reduction in hazardous noise for safer operations, as well as a reduction in piston speed for longer asset life.Má...

piston stroke
The piston stroke is 120 mm.Hành trình piston là 120 mm. The engine itself is similar to the CBR250R’s powerplant, but with the piston...